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Make a choice TV or Town Hall meeting
By Mohamed Elhajjam

Is anyone listening?

While other nations are competing in airwaves to put their favorite TV channels to reach and educate their communities here in US about their homeland and their culture or their civilization. And while the Arabs are like the usual are filling their prime time slot TV that are broadcast in dish network with the usual, Egyptians movies music videos, dance and unethical programs. Something we already have from MTV, and something we tried to avoid teaching to our next generations. Most of us in the Moroccan community are questioning ourselves. Where are we? And how we define ourselves in this digital age?

While the TV is always the prime choice for most of us, who hopes to see more what is going on in our motherland Morocco, specially this exiting era. Where we have more questions to ask. New king, New hopes, others are very critical. The Moroccans TV had and always will be a very weak medium. It did not serve its objectives like many before us had hoped in Europe. The Moroccans communities are very angry what the Moroccan TV had to offer. Weak programming have left most of the community switch to watch other channels like ALJAZEERA. The second choice, is Town Hall Meeting? This second option is necessary. In town hall meeting in my opinion is the reel platform where we can challenge ourselves. What we need

As community or immigrants in this land. The town hall meeting has lots of advantages. First, if every community in every state will host town Hall meeting. Lots can be accomplished. Creating a new blood to our spirit. Creating a techie's community where we can change ideas and projects in virtual network like E- Moroccan Techies. Student organizations to help or guide them to make the right choice help them in ESL and make the necessary tool to learn English in the Internet for free. Create volunteer to help and reach the ones who need our hand, create an annual conference at capitol so we can lobby our ideas to the embassy or other Major organization, be inclusive not exclusive, help our agenda to move forward rather than unexistant.

UH<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< while enough dreaming? What we really need is all of us to shake our responsible here to pay a close look to us. This is America, we are growing, and most of us now are either in process of married or are already married. Our children is our asset and to morocco as well. They are the one who will be INSHALLAh in government or other part of organism in this society. Perfect examples are Lebanese. So anyone is listening?

Mohamed Elhajjam

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