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Home >> Resources >> Government

  Moroccan Constitution [in English]
  La constitution du Maroc [In French]
  U.S. Constitution
  Bill of Rights
  Other Amendments
  U.S. House of Representatives
  The United States Senate

  Moroccan Ministries

  Moroccan National agencies

  • ANHI Agence Nationale de lutte contre l'habitat insalubre
  • Barid Al Maghrib Moroccan Post
  • BNSTP Bourse Nationale de Sous-Traitance et de Partenariat
  • CMC Centre Marocain de Conjencture
  • OFECOffice des Foires et Expositions de Casablanca.
  • CNJA Conseil National pour la Jeunesse et l'Avenir
  • OCOffice des Changes.
  • OFECOffice des Foires et Expositions de Casablanca.
  • OFPPT Office de la Formation Professionelle et de la Promotion du Travail
  • ONCF Office National des Chemins de Fer
  • ONDA Office National des Aeroports
  • ONEP Office National de l'Eau Potable
  • ONPT Office National des Postes et Telecommunications
  • RAM Royal Air Maroc, National air travel company

  Moroccan Political parties

  • Socialist Union of Popular Forces (USFP)
  • Constitutional Union (UC)
  • National Rally of Independents (RNI)
  • Popular Movement (MP)
  • Social and Democratic Party (MDS)
  • Istiqlal Party (PI)
  • National popular Movement (MNP)
  • National Democrat Party (PND)
  • Constitutional and Democratic Popular
  • Movement (MPDC)
  • Party for Progress and Socialism (PPS)
  • Front of Democratic Forces (FFD)
  • Socialist Democratic Party (PSD),
  • Organization of Democratic and popular Action (OADP),
  • Party ofAction (PA)
  • Democratic Party of Independence (PDI)
  • Movement for Democracy (MPD).

  Embassies, councils and internal organisations representations in Morocco

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