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Death of Moroccan of the Month Amine Britel

By The Wafin Team
We are saddened to learn of the death of our Moroccan of the Month Amine Britel last Monday night. Amine was struck by car driven by a 22 year year old suspected of drunk driving. Amine, the athlete that he has always been was riding his bicycle, and was pronounced dead by paramedics on the scene. Please join us in extendig our deepest sympathies to Amine's family. Ina Lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioun.

The Wafin Team

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rabati30 : إن لله و إن إليه راجعون. و الحمد لله اللدي جعلنا من المسلمين
cervantes : Inna Li Llahi wa Inna ILaihi Rajihoun!!
Llah ye Rehmo we wessa3 3lih!!
Llah yerzaq sbar n-hbabou ou-3ailtou!

I had a chance to meet “El Merhoum” in Southern California a couple of years ago and we shared some good times together for about a day. I just learned of his death about an hour ago. La hawla wala qouwata illa bi-Llah al 3ali al 3adim!!!!!
meroutre : 
May Allah rest his soul .Deepest condoleances to the family
pita1 : Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji3oun.

Allah Yrahmou w y3asse3e 3alih.
pita1 : regarding my previous comment:
I meant to say: Allah Yrahmou w ywasse3e 3alih.
cash99 : ina lilah wa ina illayhi raj3in allah irahmo o iwassa3a allih amine
ahmed in la : We were deeply touched by the tireless efforts to repatriate our dear late friend Amine to Morocco. As a good friend and as someone who feels indebted to individuals behind this effort, I would like to mention a few who came to my mind, a few who labored for the last few days to get Amine’s body to Morocco in an expedited manner. This list consists of a few whom I am aware of, and I apologize to the ones whom I neglect to mention.
Mr. Ammagui, ex U.S. RAM General manager, Mr. Chadli, RAM cargo and long time RAM employee, Nancy Caruso, RAM New York, Mr. Bouziane, Moroccan Consulate, New York, Mr. Quraichi, Islamic Center of Southern California, Amine’s brother-in-law, Rabeh, the entire Wafin team, members of the Moroccan community in L.A. and S.D., an undisclosed number of individuals and officials in Rabat and Washington DC.
It is worth noting that I was especially impressed by Mr. Chadli’s resolve to personally retrieve the body from Delta’s terminal in New York and to insure its timely inclusion in RAM’s Saturdays’ flight bound for Morocco.
We finally feel proud that Amine’s body returned home on board of a Moroccan airplane, surrounded by countrymen and countrywomen as if he was carried on the shoulders of his people.
May the lord almighty bless his soul, may he forgive all of our sins and may he reward us with a faith worthy of his bless and benediction.
Quality : My deepest condolences to his family and friends.
Ina lillah wa ina ilayhi raji3on
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