I wish someone told me not to get off the car when stopped by a cop as a sign of respect for them.
I wish someone told me not to pick up random kids in the park and kiss them on the cheeks like we do on Morocco without being considered psychos.
In this stunning work of historical fiction, Laila Lalami brings us the imagined memoirs of the first black explorer of Americaa Moroccan slave whose testimony was left out of the official record.
Abderrahim Mahjoubi is a Moroccan-American writer and movie director who participated in many movie series, movies and theatrical plays. He is well known for his constant participation with Firka El Badawi especially in "Rass Darb (The corner of the street) and Wa halka fiha wa fiha (This series has and has). He also directed the play: Lmachach (cats)" that was responsible for the launching careers of both: Mr. Hassan Foulane and Abdellah Chakiri.